How to write a motivational letter
Capitalizing on your talents in the University
How should architecture students spend their university life?
Eid day in Pécs
Getting the most of online classes!
Straight outta Arfica…
Adapting to a new life abroad
Alumni Gathering in Istanbul and more
How to make this winter special in Pécs?
What’s the future doctor cooking?
Vlog #1 - Pecs, Hungary by Mahek Vora
New Year’s Traditions in Hungary
ESN Country Presentations: Our very own Global Village in Pécs!
How to take care of your mind?
Culture shock in Hungary
Valentine's day
"Don't miss this opportunity. Let Pécs be your Home!" - Aladdin about Stipendium...
Love is in the air!
My application process and everything in between
The Zsolnay Light Festival - My fondest memory of Pécs
Wagging tail, wet nose: The Misina Animal Shelter
How to get a great internship opportunity for your future career?
My Erasmus+ traineeship experience
How to survive in Pécs: Out with the old, in with the new!
How to properly pack
Quarantine at the University of Pécs: How is it?
F.R.I.E.N.D.S and a Reel of Lessons
Merry Christmas! / Boldog karácsonyt!
First year advices from a current UP senior
How to survive in Pécs... and at Hungarian festivities!
Happy Easter!
How does the UP accommodate students with special needs?
Erasmus in Krakow: a highlight of my academic journey
How to Travel Europe on a Budget
The Architecture of Hungary
Highlights from Our Fall Alumni Gatherings - The Recruiter's Perspective
The world in one building, International Evening 2019
How to survive in Pécs? … when you don’t know the culture
Step-By-Step: How to apply for University of Pécs
Pécs Diaries: Jakarta Alumni Edition
Hungary’s Revoluntionary Holiday
The best of food delivery from a student’s perspective
Focus Tools: Make Your Dreams a Reality
How to UPgrade your CV - for medical students
An Inspiration for Many: Success Story of Iheb
Travel in Hungary
Pécs Diaries: All the way from Kyrgyzstan
Volunteer experiences - AIESEC
How to survive in Pécs? ...when you don’t speak Hungarian
The University of Pécs Admission interview - What to expect and how to be prepared
Thanksgiving with a Global Twist
New year, New me
Friends abroad
Tips and tricks for newcomers
Mandala Yoga Studio in Pécs
Alumni Reunited: Celebrating Our Global Community
Rising from failure
Grannys Cooking
As an international student here in Pécs, one of the first thoughts that came to my mind was...
If you had ever enjoyed practicing yoga before coming to Pécs, and you are looking for a place...
A Cooking Story.
Hi, my name is Darko and I have been living in Hungary for about 2...
Imagine with me… today is one of the most important days in your life, not only for you...
It’s May and the worst is past us now.Though every semester it is a struggle again; saying goodbye...
I will not tell you how not to fail and I will not tell you how to be...
Putting aside the previous discussed difficulties of living abroad, it is also paired with a lot of new...
It is not a secret, that one of the major reasons to come to study in Hungary is...
Choosing my Erasmus destination was a bit stressful: even with all the information on them out there, you...
It has been three weeks since UP students, along with the rest of the world, switched to an...
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