Health insurance

First aid and emergency medical care are free for foreigners, in other cases you have to pay for the treatment. A full coverage general health insurance for Hungary is a prerequisite for registration at any faculty of the University of Pécs.


EU citizens are insured on the basis of the European Health Insurance Card when they are in another member state and are, from the point of view of social security, entitled to the same rights and have the same obligations as citizens of that given member state. The EU card only covers the 'medically necessary' services (e.g.: dialysis treatment, oxygen therapy), but does not authorize the use of deferred care. 

Private medical insurance 


Although EU students may be able to use their insurance in Hungary, private medical insurance is recommended for international students. For the visa application process, we suggest you buy local travel insurance that is valid in Hungary for the time of your traveling to Hungary, Pécs (short-term insurance). Upon arrival (last week of August or beginning of September), student health insurance will be available for you to purchase. It can be bought only in person. The University of Pécs can assist the students with the additional insurance. We recommend the Generali STUDIUM accident and health insurance with cost reimbursement. Generali’s STUDIUM insurance, provided by Generali Biztosító Zrt. (Generali Insurance Ltd.), offers fee-for-service health insurance coverage exclusively within Hungary. It is designed primarily for foreign students aged 18 to 65 enrolled at the University of Pécs who are not covered by the Hungarian state insurance scheme. If someone gets this insurance, then this person will be eligible for other services of the entire clinic as detailed in the contract. The contract details what services can be used - implants of dentures or prostheses are, for example, excluded. The amount of insurance is currently about HUF 96,000 at an annual level. 

For more details, you can refer to the following documents:

For more information you can visit the New West Ltd. (the official partner of Generali Insurance Company) office in Pécs:

Where can you find the New West office?
Address: 7621 Pécs, Jókai tér 5.
Phone: +36 72 511-355
Mobil: +36 30 817 0291

Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday:   8:00-16:00
Friday:                        8:00-14:00


Hungarian Social Security Card

The second option is to have a Hungarian Social Security Card (TAJ kártya) and a Social Security Number (TAJ szám). With the "TAJ” health insurance ID, you are eligible to use the health services in Hungary. 


You have to apply for this yourself at the local National Health Insurance Fund (Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár in Hungarian) at Nagy Lajos Király Street 3. Pécs, 7623. 

Applying in person, you need to bring your registration card, address card (lease agreement or dormitory contract), enrolment certificate, EU ID card or passport. The monthly contribution fee is 38,250 HUF (as of January 2017) for their first year of residence in Hungary.


If you are a student with a scholarship offered by the Minister of Education in Hungary (including Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship), you are eligible for health care services in Hungary and you will receive a "TAJ card" for free. 


If you aren’t an EU citizen and do not have a private medical insurance or a Hungarian Social Security Card, you have to pay for care in accordance with the reimbursement policy of the Clinical Centre.


The treatment of foreign students is as follows:

  • if the student is insured by one of the insurance companies the university has a contract with (Generali Providencia) all expenses are covered by the insurance company
  • if the student is insured by any other insurance companies not in contract with the university, the student needs to pay for the treatment on the spot according to the operative Code of Charges and Benefits of he UP. The student receives an ambulant card and a receipt/invoice and can get reimbursement from his/her own insurance company
  • if the student is not insured he/she needs to pay for the treatment on the spot according to the operative Code of Charges and Benefits of he UP. The student receives an ambulant card and a receipt/invoice. If any further examinations are required, or specialist treatment is needed those are accessible through primary care.


Where to go in case you need medical care?