International Mentor Program

If this is your first time in Hungary at the University of Pécs, and you have questions, do not worry. We are here to support you. 


The International Mentor Program (IMP) by the University Student Union at the University of Pécs was established to support foreign students arriving for the first time at our university. The objective of the program is to support the smooth integration of newly enrolled freshman students who have received various scholarships or were accepted into mobility programs at the UP. The program supports students with Erasmus+, Study Abroad, Overseas Student Exchange, Diaspora, SCYP, and self-financed status. The program aims to provide a supportive environment in which any student can turn to a problem.


Now, let’s see what you can expect from the IMP after your admission at the University of Pécs. 



The mentor role includes providing guidance and support to their mentees with administrative and educational matters, helping them adjust to Hungarian transportation, culture, and norms. These mentors are also students from the University of Pécs and are available to help you resolve any challenges you may encounter.

If you need any further information, please contact: 

Mercédesz Berzsán 
International Mentor Program Coordinator
University of Pécs
University Student Union
H-7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4.