Winner of the V4GU Climate Protection Campaign




The University of Pécs, together with its four foreign partner universities, organized a video competition in the framework of the V4 Green Universities project, in which university citizens could participate and share their own ideas about what they would do differently at the University of Pécs in order to create a more environmentally conscious, energy-efficient and healthier way of living. From the numerous self-made videos, a jury of experts from the participating universities has chosen the winner. At the University of Pécs, Camila Alcérreca Cuevas has submitted the best video and won the electric scooter, which she has received from Balázs Borkovits, international project manager at the Chancellery, UP on 15 July.

Camila Alcérreca Cuevas, winner of the V4GU video competition at UP

The winner of the video competition, Camila Alcérreca Cuevas, is a fourth-year architecture student at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (PTE MIK) who came to Pécs from the city of Metepec, Mexico, with the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme. The university's centuries-old roots and the beauty, student-friendly, liveable nature of Pécs played a decisive role in her choice, where, as she said, "the city does not swallow you". The talented student describes the reason for her interest in architecture: "When I was growing up, I always wanted to be an artist, but that changed a little bit in high school when I had a course on industrial design. It has inspired me to study architecture, because I wanted to help people."

Camila Alcérreca Cuevas, winner of the V4GU video competition at UPCamila is an active student of UP, she has also participated in the international recipe book project 50 Delicacies on Earth, and as a Student Ambassador for Mexico, she helps prospective students in a number of issues. She is a member of the communication team of the faculty’s LUNGS of the CITY team, which competes in the Solar Decathlon architectural sustainability competition. At the encouragement of the group leader, she submitted a tender for the V4GU climate protection campaign. Although she did not have much experience in video production before,

She entered her own animated video on the topic of recycling aluminium.

"I have noticed that in many cases it is not entirely clear, how to sort recyclable garbage. We need more knowledge and experience to fix more things, so we can produce less waste," the Mexican student said. "The electric scooter I won will also be of great help to our team's project, where we also strive for the environmentally conscious implementation of the production process in the production of prototypes, including the transportation of team members."

"I think that as many students as possible should participate on such occasions, when the university is curious about our opinions, our ideas, and is open to hear our voices. It would be useful if we could find a way to communicate, not only in the field of environmentally friendly solutions, but in general. And in terms of competitions,

my advice, even if you are not sure about your knowledge, is to get started, because sometimes all you have to do is give it a try."

– emphasized Camila Alcérreca Cuevas.

Camila Alcérreca Cuevas, winner of the V4GU video competition at UP

From the many self-made videos submitted to the competition, we learned what the participants thought could be done differently at UP or how we could create a more environmentally conscious, energy-efficient, healthier lifestyle in general. Videos were uploaded from March to June. The University of Pécs awarded the best video with a Mi electric scooter essential electric scooter, thirty participants have won solar powerbanks or activity meters. The audience award, a Mi Smart Band 5 activity meter, was given to Márton Balogh.



by: Mariann Tóth

Photo: Szabolcs Csortos