Dear Students and Future Students of the University of Pécs,
As we all know the COVID-19 pandemic has altered university life in a profound way. Not only the teaching methods, the possibility of entering the institution, but also our everyday life took unusual turns – the details of which are known for all.
Nevertheless, university teaching transformed – wherever possible – to digital methods, and this transition was smooth. On the other hand, we encountered some problems with the examination software, which by the time you are reading this letter are amended.
I am happy to announce, that our university is free from the COVID-19 disease. In order to maintain this status, we must follow the instructions regarding social distancing and personal hygiene. If you detect fever, chill, coughing, muscle pain and other symptoms on yourself, you have to report yourself at the occupation health unit.
The virus will be with us during the year, but we hope to be able to resume near normal education during the fall semester of the upcoming academic year. An alternative solution is the continuing on-line education. There are certainly several reasons to continue your studies!
I wholeheartedly encourage you to continue or start your studies at the University of Pécs! Stay healthy!
Rector Prof. Attila Miseta
University of Pécs | Chancellery | IT Directorate | Portal group - 2020.