If you have any fines or unreturned books in the university library, the library can put a block on your Neptun account that may restrict your application for the exams and the registration and enrollment process at the beginning of the next semester from 10 November, 2021. Upon logging in, a pop-up window warns you about this on Neptun as well.
You can settle your debts in person (in the faculty library in which the debt was incurred) or online.
You can find up-to-date information regarding the documents you have loaned in your Reader’s Data account. Also, the expiration date of your loaned books can be checked in Reader’s Data here.
When can Neptun block you?
If you feel you are stuck or need more information, call during opening hours at 72/501 650 (extension 28049), or write to the following e-mail address: info@lib.pte.hu
University of Pécs | Chancellery | IT Directorate | Portal group - 2020.