The University of Pécs (UP) has been listed in two categories in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2020 published on 29 June by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. The institution has been ranked 401-500th among the best 500 universities of the world on the subject field of clinical medicine and public health.
The scientific background of the ranking is the Web of Science, using publications from 2014-2018; the universities do not provide any additional data resulting in a completely objective ranking. This ranking has been published annually for more than a decade, however, the subject ranking has been published since 2017 listing 54 academic subjects. The performance of universities is analysed in a hundred point system, primarily measuring indicators weighted for subjects, taking into account the number of publications and in which scientific journals they have been published, citations referring to them, the ratio of research carried out in international cooperation and the number of significant prizes and awards available at a certain scientific field. The University of Pécs has already been listed in the ranking of the best 500 universities in clinical medicine in 2018, and has managed to maintain its prestigious position.
Rector Prof. Dr. Attila Miseta emphasized in connection with the ranking: “It has been just three weeks since we informed the university about our success in the ranking published by the London-based Quacquarelli Symonds, and we now have received another affirmation, that we are on the right path. However, we must not forget, that there are several academic subjects, where we still would like to join the narrow elite. We are going to work on that in the future!” – envisaged the rector.
Further information
University of Pécs | Chancellery | IT Directorate | Portal group - 2020.