On Monday, the 19th of March, in the framework of the University of Pécs’ very own International Spring Indonesia was our guest. Apart from truly amazing dance performances, the visitors could have learned many funfacts and interesting things about Indonesia, the country of more then 13.000 islands. We were honorod to have Wening Esthyprobo, the Ambassador of Indonesia and Ms. Titania Arimbi, head of information and cultural affairs of the Indonesian Embassy amongst ourselves.
The first magnificent dance performed was a Bajidor Kahot, which is a traditional dance from West Java, in which the hips, arms, shoulders, head and hands move dynamically. It was a truly colorful performance that the crowd took very cheerfully.
After that we got the pleasure of seeing a quite „food for thought” short movie, which was immediately follow by another beautiful dance performance, called the Cendrawasih. The cendrawasih dance is a Balinesian dance, and is inspired by the bird of paradise or cendrawasih bird in Indonesian. The dance takes the form of a mating ritual, the attractive and agile motion of the bird, showing off the beauty to attract the other partner.
Lastly, the Giring-Giring dance was performed, which is a traditional dance from Kalimantan/Borneo, the dancers wear beautiful regional dress and each carries one or two pieces of bamboo filled with grain. The long slender pieces of bamboo produce a sound when they are moved, and it is this sound that determines the rhythm. Of course, at the end of the evening noone could miss the tasting of traditional Indonesian dishes that everyone wanted to try out.
More photos of the event can be found in our Gallery.
Stay Tuned! The International Spring just began! Check it's official facebook page if you do not want to miss out on similar events.
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