Dear Students!
It became clear today that the novel coronavirus epidemic is entering the group infection phase, meaning that the new source of infection concerning the newly identified cases cannot be determined with certainty. Younger people often produce mild symptoms or can even be symptom-free carriers of the virus, therefore – considering the peculiar virulence of the disease – may pose significant threat to the elders of our community. Consequently, it is our responsibility to protect our loved ones and pay special attention to our environment!
It is crucial to comply with the preventive medical measures, to pay attention to hygiene, abstain from visiting public places and not to organize social events of more than 5 people.
We respectfully ask you suspend any form of travel, and only leave your residence of it is mandatory (for example to procure your basic necessities).
Concerning the situation above, we collected the procedures and recommendations of Hungarian authorities, that are easily adaptable and considerably lowers the risk of spreading the infection.
Useful information and advices:
In case you have been visiting an infected territory recently, or you are unsure about your health status, we respectfully advise – in protection of your environment and your loved ones – to submit to voluntary quarantine for a period of 14 days. The guidelines regarding the magisterial and voluntary quarantine are the following:
Magisterial or voluntary home quarantine
We would like to emphasize that if you are involved in obligatory magisterial quarantine, the violation of the quarantine could entail serious legal consequences!
Those in quarantine cannot leave their residence until the epidemiological surveillance (14 days) lasts. You may not receive any guests. You are instructed to use you and clean your own household utensils (plates, glasses, cutlery etc.) and clothes properly. You are obliged to contact the general practitioner (GP) or the doctor in duty via telephone if you notice fever or respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath) and have to follow the instructions provided by the doctors.
Stay informed from authentic and trustworthy sources!
Reducing the spread of the virus is our common responsibility! We are asking you to keep to and comply with the suggestions and instructions provided above responsibly!
PTE Hotline (+36 30 577 3764)
We advise you to contact the University Hotline in case you have questions regarding the coronavirus or if you are noticing specific symptoms. The hotline staff will provide you with instructions based on health provision protocols.
Stay at home, take care of each other!
The Student Union of the University of Pécs
University of Pécs | Chancellery | IT Directorate | Portal group - 2020.