PTE's 3D Printing and Visualization Center Launches New Exploratory Mission




The 3D Printing and Visualization Center of the University of Pécs is an unabashedly unique institution of its kind throughout the entirety of the country. The institute’s implementation of state-of-the-art 3D printing techniques throughout various areas of research, development and innovation, yet also focuses upon practical development and the effective marketing of its product line. In association with the PTE's "Entrepreneurial University" vision, the center also nurtures professional relationships among various investor groups. PTE3D Center now has achieved the point in which it is re-positioning itself on the basis of past experiences, paving the next logical step ahead. We recently discussed the various changes including new projects which will soon undergo their preliminary phases, under the guidance of the institution's newly appointed Innovation Manager, Dr. Peter Maróti.


Dr. Peter Maroti emphasizes how 3D printing alone is one of the fastest growing innovative areas in the world including new printing materials, processes and applications rapidly emerging on nearly a daily basis. Connecting this development curve to other, equally innovative or "high-tech" projects, promises improvement, efficiency and speed regarding these projects.


Read our full article on this new mission: