The leadership of the University of Pécs (hereinafter: university) is determined to safeguard the life, health and well-being of its citizens, including their personal safety, the protection of their properties and their rights. The management is committed to taking every necessary precaution to prevent the coronavirus pandemic from further spreading. Therefore, during the state of health crisis declared by Government Decree 283/2020 the following special provisions shall enter into force.
This order was adopted in line with the guidelines of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology on how to organize elementary, secondary, vocational, and tertiary education during the health crisis.
Given the former and the relevant laws, we hereby proclaim the following rules (hereinafter: the regulation) on entering the premises of the university and other institutions it manages.
Chapter I.
Article 1 (1) The scope of the regulation shall cover every study programme that constitutes a student status (vocational, undergraduate, undivided, single-tier, graduate, post-graduate specialist, and doctoral training), those individuals who have student status at the university (hereinafter: students) regardless of their citizenship, those individuals who are students of elementary, secondary or adult education at the university (hereinafter: pupils), and those individuals who study in other training programmes (adult education, technical education).
(2) The scope of the regulation shall cover the public servants and other employees of the university and the public servants and other employees of the elementary, secondary and technical schools it manages (hereinafter jointly: employees).
(3) The scope of the regulation shall also cover every other individual who is eligible to enter the premises of the university under the regulation.
Article 2 (1) The scope of the regulation shall cover the Clinical Centre only to the extent of the particular provisions set forth herein regarding the clinical practices of students and pupils.
(2) The scope of the regulation shall not cover the dormitories and other accommodations managed by the university's Residence Service. The rules on entering these premises are outlined in another joint order.
Chapter II
The order on entering the university
Article 3 Entering to the premises of the university shall be bound to a definite goal (e.g. teaching, research, work, studying, administration, sports activity, attending events) and be limited to the duration of achieving that particular goal.
Article 4 Only healthy individuals who do not show any symptoms of coronavirus infection shall enter (at their own risk) the university's buildings and visit events and classes. For usual symptoms of the infection see Annex 1. The head of the unit may order to take the body tempreture of individuals before entering the unit’s buildings and may prohibit individuals from entering if they have a fever. Providing the required human and material resources is the responsibility of the head of the respective unit.
Article 5 (1) Keeping a safe place between people inside the building is crucial to prevent the virus from spreading (further). Every individual inside university buildings shall practice social distancing and stay 1.5 metres apart (protective distance).
(2) Every individual shall wear protective gear that covers the mouth and the nose (e.g. surgical mask, scarf) inside university buildings and at open-air events on university premises. The head of a given unit may introduce stricter provisions.
(3) Every individual shall comply with the hygienic safety measures outlined in Annex 3.
Article 6 (1) To reduce risks, the university calls upon all of its students to fill in the COVID-19 pre-triage survey (made by the Centre for Academic Affairs).
(2) The head of the relevant unit may oblige the legal guardian of pupils and children to fill in the COVID-19 pre-triage survey.
(3) The COVID-19 pre-tirage surveys are assessed automatically. The text of the automatic responses are drawn up by the director of academic affairs in consultation with the experts at the Clincal Centre.
(4) The employer may oblige the employees to fill in the COVID-19 pre-triage survey.
(5) Employees, students, pupils (or their legal guardians) and the legal guardians of children shall immediately report any changes in their answers by filling in the survey again.
Special provisions
Article 7 (1) As a main rule, every event with its participants physically present that is not directly connected to teaching is prohibited. Under special circumstances, the rector may permit events in line with the rules of procedures laid dwon in the recommendation of the UP Operative Crew. Events with its participants physically present at the university may be organized in line with the laws, regulations, official measures and restrictions applicable at the time of the event with that the strict hygienic standards shall be upheld.
(2) Maintaining a protective distance is essential either at indoor or outdoor vents. The maximum number of participants is 500. The audience shall be limited to 50 people at the Janus University Theatre plays.
(3) Wearing a mask at events is mandatory.
(5) Organizers may introduce additional entry requirements or may decide to cancel the event or broadcast it online.
Academic year opener, graduation ceremony
Article 8 (1) The academic year opener and the graduation ceremony should be outdoors but the organizers may decide to have it indoors or online.
(2) More than one academic year opening ceremony may be organized on each Faculty, considering the 500 people limit and the number of first-year students.
(3) The opportunity to take the oath shall be provided to all first-year students. If the academic year opening ceremony is online, the oath may be taken online (in a video conference call) or the student may send in a filled oath form.
Enrolment, orientation day
Article 9 Enrolmand and orientation day may be organized online by the decision of the dean. However, showing the original documents is legally required for enrolment, students shall be given appointments to be able to show their documents in an organized fashion.
Study administration
Article 10 (1) In general, study administration is online (e-mail, Neptun), except:
a) paying fees with cash at cash desks (according to the Code of Charges and Benefits),
b) with appointments (made by phone or e-mail).
(2) During personal administration, wearing a mask and keeping the protective distance (as possible) is obligatory. The administration desks should be covered with transparent plastic shields.
(3) If there is a waiting line, 1.5 metres should be maintained. Signs showing where to stand shall be posted visibly.
Meetings of university bodies
Article 11 (1) University bodies may meet (in line with the laws applicable at the time of the meeting) with that the strict hygienic standards shall be upheld.
(2) Wearing a mask is obligatory and the 1.5 metres protective distance should be maintained if possible.
(3) Under special circumstances, if the quorum cannot be reached otherwise, meetings can be sit using IT devices (video conference in which all participating members can be properly identified) with applying other relevant provisions reasonably. This provision cannot be applied to the Senate meetings.
Visiting classes
Article 12 (1) In the current epidemiological preparedness, the university primarily have contact classes but distant, digital and hybrid (contact and online) teaching methods can also be used according to the decision of the unit's head.
(2) Contact classes shall be organized in a fashion that the 1.5-metre protective distance is maintained, if possible (depending on the capacity of the classroom). If the classroom's capacity is too low, classes may be organized:
a) in smaller groups or
b) online (preferably live and interactive but it should also be recorded).
(3) If the class is online, small-group or individual consultation shall be provided.
Practices, practical training
Article 13 (1) During the practices, the special provisions outlined in Chapter II shall apply to students and lecturers beyond the general hygienic protective measures.
(2) Wearing a mask during the practices is mandatory.
(3) If possible, preliminary courses (fire safety, OSH, data protection, hospital IT, hospital hygiene) should be online. If not possible, these shall be organized according to the rules on the indoor events.
(4) Students' schedules shall be set in advance to minimize contacts.
(5) During practices and practical training, the instructor shall ensure the proper use of personal protective equipment. If possible, 1.5 metres protective distance should be maintained throughout the course of the practice.
(6) These provisions shall apply to practices and practical training in both in-house and external training sites.
(7) If possible, practical courses should be at the beginning of the semester in blocks.
Practices in the Clinical Centre
Article 14 (1) Special precaution shall be applied at the Clinical Centre, therefore every student/pupil (regardless of nationality) who takes part in practice at the Clinical Centre must have a negative PCR test within 5 days before starting the practice.
(2) Pre-triage (filling in the survey, taking body temperature) and certifying the requirement set forth in paragraph (1) are mandatory before starting the practice.
(3) After the negative PCR test, the student/pupil is eligible to start the practice with that the epidemiological safety measures shall be observed. A repeated PCR test may be necessary during the practice if the student/pupil shows symptoms of COVID-19 infection or becomes a subject of official epidemiological measures, or after travelling abroad (according to the current regulations).
(4) During the practice, wearing a mask is mandatory in patient care areas. During the practice, the hygienic and personal protection equipment regulations of the Clinical Centre shall apply the students/pupils. During the practice, the instructor shall ensure the proper use of personal protective equipment.
(5) Students' nad pupils' schedules shall be set in advance to minimize contacts. Students and pupils shall be scheduled between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., thereby reducing the number of students/pupils present in a given period.
(6) Increasing the proportion of demonstration classes is recommended. 50 % of practice hours should be in demonstration classes and skill-labs.
Practices in elementary and secondary education
Article 15 (1) In elementary and secondary schools, a protocol was put in place for the duration of the epidemiological preparedness.
(2) According to the protocol, the institution shall adopt its protocol to prepare for a possible change in teaching methods. The student on practice shall read this institutional protocol.
(3) knowing and applying the protocol is mandatory for the student on practice.
Article 16 (1) If possible, it is advised to make mid-term exams the standard form of assessment. In higher education, exams may be online, according to the decision of the unit's head.
(2) Students have the right to see their papers and tests after correction but the safety measures shall strictly be observed in these meetings.
(3) The date, place, and expected turnout shall be scheduled in advance to ensure the observation of the safety measures. The students shall arrive in a pre-arranged time and order.
(4) In written exams, the provisions on contact classes shall apply. In written exams using the students' tools is advised. Test papers can be safely corrected after 24 hours with observing the safety measures (avoid touching the face, thorough handwashing or applying alcoholic hand disinfectant after the work).
(5) Only healthy students and lecturers who have no symptoms shall sit in exams. Checking the requirements (health status, etc.) to sit an exam/take part in practice shall be the task of the relevant unit. The examiner shall do the documentation of this.
(6) Wearing a mask is mandatory in both oral and written exams.
(7) The coughing etiquette shall be strictly observed in exams. The students shall be informed about the coughing etiquette in writing (Annex 3) before the exam and orally at the start of the exam.
(8) Oral exams shall be in well-aired rooms and maximum 2 students shall be in the room at the same time.
Special provisions for the doctoral training
Article 16/A (1) To earn the course credits connected to the theoretical elemtns of the doctoral training, the doctoral student must participate in the courses according to the rules applicable at the doctoral student’s Faculty (which registered the student). Therefore ‘participation’ may mean attendance, online participation, or a hybrid form of participation, depending on the applicable rules.
(2) In the case of the practical training elements of the doctoral program, the tasks related to the research are performed by the student (and the supervisor) at the University, at the place designated for the practice, in compliance with the relevant rules. If the dcotral student’s Faculty (which registered the student) lays down special rules, the research must be carried out taking this into account.
(3) The complex exams, the exams the doctoral candidates, as well as the thesis defenses can be conducted in attendance, hybrid or online form in accordance with the regulations of the dcotral student’s Faculty (which registered the student).
(4) The Doctoral Schools and the Doctoral Councils are obliged to follow the regulations of the student’s Faculty (which registered the student). and to organize the PhD / DLA training and its elements during the epidemiological preparedness in compliance with the respective regulations. However, rules that would change the provisions on the composition of Committes shall not be applied, therefore the number and participation of internal and external members shall be determined pursuant to the rules and regulations on doctoral training even if the respective event is organized online or in a hybrid form.
Special provisions on the public lecturers in the habilitation pocedures
Article 16/B (1) During the habilitation procedure, the public classroom and scientific lecture(s) set forth by the habilitation regulations of the University (Annex 48 to the Statutes of the University of Pécs), can be held in attendance, online or in hybrid form, depending on the respective form of the chosen subject announced by the dean within the accredited training program of the the current semester.
(2) In the case of presentations in online or hybrid form, the Judging Committee and the audience must also be given the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation.
(3) The secret ballot of the Judging Committee and the students can also be implemented electronically, provided that the electronic system (online platform) used in the decision-making process guarantees the identification of the participating member and at the same time the confidentiality of the voting.
Other provisions for pupils in elementary and secondary education
Article 17 (1) Mixing classes in classroom lessons should be avoided if possible. Except for technical rooms and language labs, a class should use one classroom for the whole day. If this is not possible, the classroom surfaces shall be disinfected between the changes.
(2) The pupils should sit further apart than usual. If necessary, bigger rooms or other premises should be used. Wearing a mask during classes may be mandatory, depending on the decision of the headmaster.
(3) Necessary measures shall be made in schools to prevent gatherings during the school year both in the school building or in its vicinity. In common areas, the number of children/pupils shall be maximized to ensure 1.5 metres protective distance. Areas may be separated for groups/classes within the common areas if needed. If he protective distance cannot be maintained, wearing a mask is recommended in upper elementary schools and secondary schools.
(4) PE classes should be organized outside if the weather is suitable. Exercises requiring close physical contact should be avoided. If these cannot be avoided, then regular partners should be appointed (pairs, small groups). Special attention shall be paid to the hygiene of locker rooms.
(5) The headmaster may allow parents/legal guardians to enter the school under special circumstances. The condition of this permit is to fill in the COVID-19 pre-triage survey .
Sports facilities, swimming pools, other recreational facilities
Article 18 (1) Only healthy students, coaches, employees, ort other eligible individuals who do not have any symptoms may participate in sports and recreational events.
(2) To avoid close physical contact, small-group activities are recommended. 1.5-2 metres protective distance should be maintained if possible.
(3) The activities should be scheduled during the day in a fashion to minimize the number of people present at the same time.
(4) Special attention shall be paid to the hygiene of the locker rooms.
Chapter III
Rules of procedure to maintain a hygienically safe environment
Article 19 (1) The air of indoor areas should be intensively ventilated by opening doors/windows often to reduce the number of airborne pathogens in the building. If the building has a built-in ventilation system but the windows can be opened, then it is recommended to open the windows simultaneously.
(2) Air circulation systems (that does not provide fresh air from outside) shall only be used, if intense natural ventilation from outside is ensured simultaneously.
(3) The head of the unit shall contact the head of the Operations and Maintenance Service (hereinafter: OMS) in connection with the increased demand (resulting from the epidemiological situation) for cleaning and disinfecting at the unit.
(4) Expenditures in connection with personal protective equipment (e.g. masks, gloves, etc.) and other equipment necessary to observe hygiene rules (e.g. disinfectants) for contact classes and exams shall be recorded separately per unit. The required funds shall be provided by the relevant unit.
General rules on cleaning
Article 20 (1) OMS shall provide, make the documentation, and control cleaning services.
(2) OMS provides on-call janitors, who shall disinfect and ventilate the rooms as necessary. The needed number of on-call janitors shall be agreed upon by the head of OMS and the head of the unit. The ordinary cleaning services will continue to operate undisturbed.
(3) Disinfectant cleaning should be performed in all areas that are used for education, including study administration premises.
(4) Cleanings should be performed with a single-phase cleaning and virucidal surface disinfectant.
(5) Soaps should be placed in restrooms, complemented with antiviral hand disinfectant if possible.
(6) OMS installs and refills hand sanitizer dispensers at the units, financed from the COVID budget.
Special provisions on practices, practical training, and vocational training requiring personal contact
Article 21 (1) The general protective measures shall apply to students/pupils, lecturers participating in the practices. Before starting the practice, handwashing with soap or the use of hand sanitizer is mandatory. These shall be provided on the practice site.
(2) During the practice, the tools and equipment shall be disinfected with virucidal surface disinfectant by the instructor, if possible.
Hygienic rules of procedure in contact exams
Article 22 (1) Contact exams are exams which are organized by a unit of the university (e.g. faculty, schools managed by the university, Foreign Language Centre, etc., hereinafter jointly: examiner unit) and during which the lecturer and the student/pupil are personally present in the building of the university at the same time.
(2) The date, place and expected turnout of the exam shall be determined by the respective unit.
(3) The examiner unit shall inform the OMS of the exact required cleaning services 10 days before the exam at the latest.
(4) The protective measures deemed necessary by the head of the examiner unit above the general protective equipment and basic services outlined in this regulation (e.g. taking body temperature, more sanitizers, gloves, etc.) shall be taken directly by the unit.
(5) In oral and written exams, the general protective measures shall apply to the teachers/lecturers and the students/pupils. Tools and surfaces shall be disinfected regularly.
(6) The date, place and expected turnout of the exam shall be determined in advance to ensure adherence to epidemiological regulations.
(7) Exchanging tools is forbidden (e.g. dictionary, books, maps). The students/pupils must bring their tools. If this is not possible, as many tools must be provided as there are students/pupils. The same tool can be used after 24 hours.
(8) The examiner unit is responsible for the regular ventilation of the exam rooms, the corridors, and the restrooms (if possible).
Special provisions on the cleaning of the exam rooms
Article 23 (1) In oral exams, the on-call janitor shall wipe and disinfect the furniture used by the student/pupil before the next use if the examiner deems it necessary. The examiner calls the on-call janitor on the pre-arranged mobile phone number.
(2) The exam room must be disinfected after the exam according to the general rules.
(3) Hygiene requirements related to special examinations: in exams where the students/pupils use tools after each other, the tools must be disinfected with a short exposure time surface disinfectant after each use. Hand sanitation is recommended for the student/pupil before and after use of the tools. Cleaning of the tools used by the students/pupils are carried out by the on-call janitor after the examination, at the signal of the examiner or at a pre-arranged time.
Special provisions on sports facilities, swimming pools, other recreational facilities
Article 24 (1) Strict adherence to and control of water treatment regulations (e.g. chlorine levels) in water circulating pools at the University is required under the guidance of the National Centre for Public Health.
(2) Hourly ventilation of indoor pools, lounges and changing rooms is recommended.
(3) If the hygienic condition of common areas, changing rooms, showers, pools, other surfaces and footbaths is not adequate, the unit shall notify the on-duty janitor.
Article 25 During the epidemiological preparedness period, the conditions for cleaning must be regulated in the lease contract, which must be agreed with the OMS.
Provisions on conducting the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test
Article 26 (1) The University shall only bear the cost of SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests necessary for the students to start their studies in the cases explicitey listed in the recommendation of the UP Operative Crew.
(2) The Clinical Centre manages the costs of the PCR test outside the normal budget, the costs are borne according to the relevant regulations and recommendations.
(3) Those students who participate in practices at the Clinical Centre, SARS-CoV-2 PCR test shall be made by the Centre for Occupational Health and Hygiene.
(4) The results of a PCR test done at any of the laboratories listed on the website of the National Centre for Public Health are acceptable.
Closing, entry into force, and authorization provisions
Article 27 (1) the heads of autonomous units are authorized to introduce special provisions under this regulation at their respective units on the order of entering the unit's premises. The cabinet chief shall be notified about these provisions.
(2) The Clinical Centre outline protocols for the following cases:
a) if an individual inside a university building is suspected of having been infected and
b) further epidemiological measures of the university after confirmed coronavirus infection of an individual under the scope of this regulation.
(3) The university operates a call-centre (UP Hotline) to efficiently provide information to university citizens.
(4) The employees of the OSH Office (OMS) are authorized to control the lawful presence of individuals in university premises. If the presence of the individual is not bound to a definite goal, that individual may be called upon to leave the premises of the university.
Article 28 (1) With the entry into force of this regulation, Joint Order No. 11/2020 of the Rector and the Chancellor shall lose effect.
(2) This regulation shall enter into force the day after its published and remain in effect until repealed.
(3) Amendments to this regulation shall enter into force on 14 September 2020.
Pécs, 31 August 2020
Dr Attila Miseta Zoltán Jenei
Rector Chancellor
In his name:
Tamás Bogá
IT Director
Annex 1.
Individuals who have any of the typical smyptoms of the novel coronavirus infection are FORBIDDEN to enter or remain at the premises of the university or who had such symptoms in the last 3 days:
The list does not contain every possible symptoms. Other, less frequent symptoms have been reported, such as:
If you notice any of these smyptoms, immediately call your GP or the UP Hotline (+36 30 577 3764) and follow the their instructions.
Annex 2.
COVID-19 pre-triage survey
I, the undersigned,
Name: |
Birthplace |
Birthdate |
Mother’s name: |
Phone number: |
E-mail: |
as a student/employee/legal guardian of a pupil/child being full aware of my criminal liability hereby state (please put an X next to the statement true to you):
In the last 3 days, have you experienced newly developed
• fever or high body temperature (37,5 °C);
• headache, malaise, weakness, muscle soreness;
• dry coughing, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, rapid breathing;
• sore throat, loss of smell and/or taste;
• nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea?
☐ Yes ☐ No
In the last 14 days, have you been in close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 infection?
☐ Yes ☐ No
In the last 14 days, have you been in close contact with a person who was in official home quarantine due to a suspicion of coronavirus infection?
☐ Yes ☐ No
In the last 14 days, have you been abroad or did you have a guest from abroad?
☐ Yes ☐ No
In the last 14 days, have you been in close contact a person who had fever, coughing, or shortness of breath?
☐ Yes ☐ No
I filled in this statement to enter the premises of the University of Pécs. I acknowledge that based on the result of the risk evaluation questionnaire, I may have to undergo a molecular biological examination (SARS-CoV-2 test) in line with the applicable health regulations and that I am obliged to undergo the test if deemed necessary.
I understand that I must immediately inform the university if any of my answers change.
……………….., ………. (day) …………………. (month) 2020
Annex 3.
to prevent the proliferation of droplet transmission viruses
Dear university Citizen!
As you may know, a new coronavirus known as 2019-nCoV has been identified in the background of an epidemic of pneumonia in Wuhan (China) at the end of 2019. The pathogen can cause serious respiratory disease and its source is currently unknown.
Human to human transmission of the virus has been confirmed. It is likely to be spread by droplets usual for coronaviruses and by direct or indirect contact with infected secretions. The incubation period is 2-12 days, on average 5 days. In all likelihood, the infected person may infect even during incubation.
The risk of infection can be reduced by following a few simple hygiene rules, which are summarized in the table below. Please pay special attention to complying with these rules during the epidemic period!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Erika Rauth
Chief Physician
UP CC Hospital Hygiene Service
Disclaimer: Please note that this document is solely a translation of the official Hungarian text. In case of any doubt, the Hungarian text has authority.
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