New quality management system at UP




A Quality Management System has been introduced at the Szentágothai János Szentágothai Research Centre of the University of Pécs, the primary objective of which is to enable the Research Centre to demonstrate its compliance with both partner, legal and other regulatory requirements. The ISO 9001 certification is the result of many years of work and will contribute to the improvement of excellence, customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of the Research Centre.

In 2020, the management of the Szentágothai János Research Centre identified the need to implement a quality management system to demonstrate not only excellence but also the Centre's commitment to quality. ISO 9001 is a European standard that aims to increase partner satisfaction by ensuring continuous improvement, efficiency and controllability through a process-oriented system.

As a result of many years of work, the quality management system was introduced at the Szentágothai János Research Centre in 2023 and certified in April 2024. The ISO 9001 certificate was handed over by Mirtill Szabó, Managing Director of Certunion Hungary Certification Ltd., to dr. Boldizsár Czéh, President of the Szentágothai Research Centre, on 5 June.
Today is a milestone in the history of the Szentágothai Research Centre, as this certificate is a guarantee and proof that we are committed to high-quality work and are committed to meeting the highest standards of quality management systems in order to provide our partners with services of the highest quality. It is also a guarantee that we are competitive at international level," said the President of the Centre.

Mirtill Szabó highlighted the excellent management of the Research Centre, its dedicated colleagues, without whose persistent work the quality management system of the Research Centre would not work. At the same time, he stressed that maintaining and increasing quality levels and obtaining new certificates requires further scientific and governmental support.
„The goal of the Szentágothai Research Centre remains to provide a home for both local and external research organisations, providing an orderly, structured research framework for the various research groups," the managing director underlined.

Dr. Attila Miseta, Rector of the University of Pécs, also attended the event, who said that „since the European accreditation is in place, it is a definite plus for us, a disciplined quality assurance system, which means that the Szentágothai János Research Centre fulfills a real and expected value."

The Szentágothai János Research Centre is committed to both academic and industrial partners and aims to deliver high-quality service in addition to excellent scientific results. To this end, it has defined three main processes to which it applies its quality management system: biomedical and related life and physical sciences research, and the use of the core facilities and capacities of the Research Centre.

The research team of the National Laboratory of Virology at the Szentágothai János Szentágothai Research Centre of the University of Pécs, a unique BSL-4 level laboratory in Central and Eastern Europe, has been awarded the UP Innovation Excellence Award this year for its outstanding, irreplaceable and outstanding work in the field of science.