The state of emergency has been cancelled in Hungary on 18 June, and on this day a so-called state of alert is now effective. We have collected the frequently asked questions in connection with the current situation. This article will be continuously updated if anything changes.
Basic information
According to experts, it is very likely that in autumn the number COVID-19 infections is going to increase in Hungary. However, nothing is for sure and there is no exact date is to be foreseen. The extent and the date depend largely on how much we pay attention; therefore, the UP Operative Crew suggests the citizens of the University to keep the distance and maintain the hygiene regulations!
About the current Hungarian situation, you can and should find information and updates at:
About neighbouring countries and other countries of the world please have a look at:
Both the hotline (+36 30 577 3764) and the e-mail ( stay operational, use these for any questions in connection with the novel coronavirus.
UP is prepared for a possible second wave outbreak and continues to remain a safe place for its citizens.
Education, documents
Official documents which have expired during the period of emergency or expire within 15 days from the end of the emergency are valid for 180 days after the end of the emergency. Student Cards with a 1st semester validation sticker for the 2019/2020 academic year will be accepted for travel discounts until 15 December 2020, or until the validation stickers for the 1st semester of the 2020/2021 academic year will be issued. It is therefore recommended that the validation stickers be received by 31 October 2020 for the 1st semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. Before validating, please consult the student ID validation unit.
No, you do not have to do your entrance/ aptitude test in person, if you have information that has been sent to you before the end of the emergency that you can do your exam online.
Non-Hungarian citizens can enroll electronically without their personal presence if they start their training in an absentee educational form.
The official start of the instruction period for the next autumn semester shall be 7 September. The central opening ceremony is certainly no longer planned to be held jointly by the University of Pécs with the city of Pécs due to the state of alert.
Yes, but that is up to the leaders of that Faculty to decide. Due to the epidemiological risk, the UP Operational Crew recommends that, if the faculty decides to hold the celebrations, they are advised to be held in open air venue until 31 August, while maintaining hygiene rules (hand disinfection and a social distance of 1.5 m). After each use, the gowns need to be cleaned and disinfected. When receiving the diploma, the handshake shall be omitted.
There is an epidemiological state of alert, so music and dance events with more than 500 participants are not allowed to be held.
The UP Operational Crew has lifted the moratorium on postings for its public servants, i.e. it permits missions abroad, with the conclusion that, in view of the evolution of the national epidemiological situation, the authorisation of foreign missions may be revoked.
In the case of private travel, it shall be subject to the relevant legal provisions, but shall be subject to the provisions of the Rector’s and Chancellor’s Joint Order no. 4/2020 is still in force stating that the public servant is required to notify the employer in advance, and in certain cases, to notify the employer about their return to the workplace.
The notification shall be made on the appropriate form, which shall be recorded by the colleagues at HR.
From 18 June 2020, health care workers will be able to leave Hungary without special permission.
The updated information is available on the HR portal:
The entry of foreign students is regulated by the Government Decree 291/2020. (VI. 17.). For more details, please visit:
Opening hours, services and rules
Yes, it is.
The dormitories of UP are open for the students from 1 July, but traffic still has to be registered until further instructions. This means that written logs are kept to list who entered and left the facilities. Each dormitory has set up a so-called isolation room in case of need.
The László Szalay Dormitory was assigned to serve the students during summer. Renovations and alterations have begun in the other dormitories, which is why they are kept closed.
The Dormitory Centre provides its services at a basic price of 30.000 HUF/month/person, or with cleaning and consumables (soap, toilet paper, etc.) at a price of 47.000 HUF/month/person. Only one person per room is allowed, but couples can share a room. In summer, it is allowed hosting a guest in the room of a student if the guest pays the daily accommodation fee.
The five person rooms at the Laterum dormitory will be divided into 3 person ones, however, this change is not implemented as a response to the pandemic but as a way of making the rooms more comfortable. Thus, each of the University’s dormitories will be optimized for a higher standard of comfort with 2 or 3 person rooms.
The University Library and Centre for Learning has re-opened its libraries from 22 June in accordance with its summer opening hours. Inside the libraries both the users and the personnel are required to wear facemasks and use hand sanitizer (which the library provides), moreover, social distancing must be kept.
No! Despite of the library’s re-opening, users are exempt from any late fees derived from library use until 30 September.
Further information about opening hours and regulations:
Everyone is still required to cover their mouths and noses with facemasks, or scarves on the transport vehicles. More information:
People will be able to use their free travel allowances for 15 days after the end of the state of emergency (until the 3 July). Starting on 4 July, health care workers will only be able to travel with valid tickets or passes just like everyone else.
Wearing a facemask will remain mandatory for those traveling by train or bus.
The regulations concerning age restrictions have been cancelled, however, wearing facemasks is still mandatory. Stores, catering establishments, hostels, cinemas, theatres, swimming pools and spas can be open without regulation.
University of Pécs | Chancellery | IT Directorate | Portal group - 2020.