Only healthy individuals, who do not show any symptoms of coronavirus infection, shall enter the university's buildings and visit events and classes there.
If you notice any of the known symptoms (coughing, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, fever [T ≥38 °C], chills, muscle soreness, sore throat, recent loss or change of taste or smell, diarrhoea unexplained by other causes, tiredness, fatigue) on the premises of the university, you must leave the university premise and go home immediately without using public transport, if possible.
Please make sure to wear a facemask and practice strict social (physical) distancing.
When you get home, call your GP.
International students shall call the Centre for Occupational Health and Hygiene (COHH) on the number +3672507523 or dialling the internal extension 37523.
You shall also notify your study administrator via e-mail. (A reporting application to simplify the notification is under development). Lecturers and staff shall notify their superior.
The GP (or the COHH) will order a home PCR test kit (if deemed necessary based on your phone call) with the (Emergency Services) EMS. They will take your samples from the nose and the throat. If the lab result confirms that you have the coronavirus infection, then the officials (the territorially competent district health office) will decide on the measures to be taken.
If your coronavirus infection has been confirmed, then please notify your study administrator/head of dormitory/superior about this and the measures (including their duration) the health office has imposed. (A reporting application to simplify the notification process is under development.)
Please ask your teachers via e-mail about what to do in connection with their courses during the quarantine and how you can catch up after your quarantine is over. The general rules shall apply to the excuses for absence. You may be required to show the official decision on lifting the quarantine before you can visit classes again. Above that, a negative PCR test is required (regardless of the actual time spent in quarantine) to participate in clinical practices.
If you are a lecturer of staff member, then please refer to the current guidelines issued by HR.
University of Pécs | Chancellery | IT Directorate | Portal group - 2020.