Another online winter program organized by the International Centre – this time for Japanese university students




Pécs Winter School

The University of Pécs is organizing a 2-week-long online course upon request of the Japanese Kanda University of International Studies. The ongoing course, titled „The Cultural Heritage of Europe” aims to provide students with an insight to the current situation, role and challenges of Europe from political, historical, economic and cultural aspects.

Some of the participants of the online winter school wish to conduct further, long-term studies at the University of Pécs. This English-taught course provides them with a great opportunity to meet the professors and students of our university, and to gain first-hand experiences about the institution. The lecturers of the program are renowned professors of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development. In the mornings students take part in interactive classes, whereas in the afternoons exciting and diverse social programs are organized for them by Hungarian student mentors. The social programs include an Intercultural Evening, a Quiz Night about the European Union, a Game Night, and an online city tour as well. The objective of these social programs is to build a community and to offer the students a truly intercultural experience.

Based on the success of the Pécs Summer School program, the International Centre launched the Pécs Winter School program in 2020. The short-term programs offer new forms of international partnerships and help us create meaningful institutional collaborations. Kanda University of International Studies, a new partner institution, welcomed this new cooperation opportunity, that provides its students with participation in a virtual mobility program.

In addition to the Japanese students, students from our German EDUC partner university and students from the University of Pécs are also participating in the program.