András Tóth, Project Manager of the Modern Cities Program and dr. Miklós Nyitrai, Dean of the Medical School presented the developments in the framework of the Modern Cities Program that are already under construction and those that will be implemented in the near future with EU
The Budapest-Bamako rally is the last great continent-spanning amateur vehicular adventure. The parson of Somogyhárságy, Attila Molnár and a former student of economy at the UP Gergely Fáth entered this year’s approximately 8300km long rally. Their chariot for the race will be a red VAZ-2101
In this semester 100 Erasmus students arrived at the 10 faculties of UP from 27 countries and 70 partner universities within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme. Many students came to the UP within the framework of other inter-university agreements: from Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Russia
The extent and dynamism of the University of Pécs's African network is unique in our macro region. The relationship with Ethiopia is developing, besides lecturer exchanges, UP experts also help to develop a doctoral program, and an Ethiopian exchange student is coming to Pécs for a master's
The Emirates Airline Hungary Office and the University of Pécs have signed a cooperation agreement in the Rector’s Council Room . According to the memorandum of understanding students, faculty, staff, and their relatives can enjoy significant discounts if they use the services of the
There are times, when it is enough to drift with the current, other times you can only be successful, if you can adapt. Change is always a little uncomfortable: although we can see the problems, we mostly agree that we do not cause any problems; it is always the others, who are at fault…
The University of Indonesia (UI) has been publishing its GreenMetric World University Ranking every year since 2010 in order to facilitate and support sustainable environmental development.The University of Pécs (UP) placed 100th among 780 entries on the list of environmentally conscious
From 2000 onwards the Senate of the University of Pécs confers the Press Award of the University of Pécs upon journalists whose work enhances its reputation. This year, for the very first time in the history of the institution, the prize was awarded to an international broadcaster, the British
Another success and acknowledgment for our Medical School!
The UP MS has been included in the U.S. News & World Report Education's 2020 top 500 higher education thematic world ranking in the field of clinical medicine. The institution was ranked 471st in the thematic world ranking
The university alliances established in the summer of 2019 will dramatically transform the higher education of Europe. The European Commission has officially launched its new ‘European Universities Initiative’ programme on 7 November in Brussels, which has increased student and staff mobility