University of Pécs Joined the European University Foundation






Recently, the University of Pécs was informed that the institution had been invited as the second Hungarian university after ELTE to become a member of the European University Foundation (EUF) according to the unanimous decision of the council.


The EUF aims to accelerate the modernisation of the European Higher Education Area. 22 European universities with a culture of academic excellence are full members of the institution, joined by further 37 associated member universities, which now includes the first university of Hungary according to the recent decision.



The network's activities can be divided into five main areas: quality mobility, digital higher education, policy innovation, active citizenship and employability. The organisation was involved in the development of Erasmus+ traineeships, the Erasmus Masters Loan Scheme and Erasmus+ as a brand name, among others. It includes ground-breaking digital initiatives such as the first online credit exchange interface, the first online Erasmus+ Study Contract interface, and the "paperless" Erasmus initiative.


The network's governing body is the Council of Rectors meeting of member universities. The Assembly appoints the members of the Steering Committee, whose members shall contribute to overseeing the functioning and development of the EUF. Membership of each partner university is be managed by a designated coordinator, who are also represented in the Steering Committee by an elected head. Dr. István Tarrósy, International Director, will represent the University of Pécs in the foundation.



"It is a significant recognition for UP that, based on our achievements in the international space and diplomatic relations, our university was considered worthy of membership in the organization," - István Tarrósy said in connection with the news. "This is also highlighted by fact that the organisation has approached UP after a longer period of monitoring the internationalisation and development path of our institution. There is no question that we must take this opportunity, because this membership allows us to be part of the decision-making processes on the most important topics of international higher education, i.e. we can represent the interests of the University of Pécs with our proposals and, more broadly, of course, Hungary," - the director emphasized.