Hungary’s Greenest University is the University of Pécs




This year, the University of Pécs (UP) achieved 59th place out of 912 registered institutions from 84 different countries on a ranking, listing world’s greenest higher education institutions published on 7 December. This also means that UP is the greenest university in Hungary as of date.

Hungary’s Greenest University is the University of Pécs

Green University is a complex notion that encompasses built environment, environmentally conscious operation, the development of related attitudes, and the establishment of educational and research setting. The University of Indonesia been publishing the ranking of green universities every year since 2010 in order to promote and support sustainable environmental development. How large are the green areas at the universities’ campuses, to what extent does the institution strive to lessen the effects of climate change, do the universities collect waste selectively, do they use devices for water conservation, or did they introduce any measures that would reflect an eco-friendly attitude – these are the main criteria on the Green Metric Ranking of World Universities. Even though at the beginning only 95 institutes from 35 countries provided data, last year, the number of entries grew to 780 and this year, there were a thousand universities representing 84 countries.

Dr. Attila Miseta, rector of the University of Pécs assessed the new achievement:

“This system, based on objective data, reflects the growth of our university well, since it improved its placement significantly every year. While in 2016, we were the 355th on the ranking, last year, we got into the top 100 and we could even improve on this and move forward. The 59th place truly means that we are among the best in the world and we can be especially proud that we are as of now Hungary’s greenest university. It becomes clear that we have made serious steps forward in the last few years for a sustainable development and I believe that there is room for further improvement"

– said the rector.

According to the list the world’s “greenest” university – defending its previous position - is the Dutch Wageningen University & Research followed by the University of Oxford (UK) and the Nottingham University (UK).


Green Metric World University Raking 2020 »
Read more about the methodology »
Further information about the Green University of Pécs »