In this section, you find information on how to travel to Pécs by plane, by train or by car.

For your very first semester you need to personally visit your Faculty’s registrar’s office and sign the matriculation form. Please, do not forget to take the original copy of your high school diploma/BA, BSc degree/MA, MSc degree.

After your matriculation (enrolment) please, make sure you update ALL of your personal data in Neptun, especially your name, exactly as it is written in your passport!
What is the NEPTUN Unified Education System and how can I use it?

Faculty of Business and Economics
7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út 80.

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
7624 Pécs, Boszorkány út 2.

Faculty of Health Sciences
7621 Pécs, Vörösmarty Mihály utca 4.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6. building D.

Faculty of Law
7622 Pécs, 48-as tér 1

Faculty of Music and Visual Arts
7630 Pécs, Zsolnay Vilmos u. 16.

Faculty of Medicine
7624 Pécs, Szigeti út 12.

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
7624 Pécs, Szigeti út 12.

Faculty of Sciences
7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6. building A.