MSc in Management and Leadership

Faculty of Business and Economics

his training programme is particularly recommended for those who already have a BSc degree in economics, but would like to further develop their skills in this area in the Master’s programme.

Head of program: Dr. Zsófia Ásványi

Master of Science (MSc/ Honours) Management and Leadership
Duration of Training
2 years (4 semesters)

Fall, Spring

Deadline of Application

Next Starting Date
Tuition fee: EUR 3,150/sem. for non- EU students
HUF 400,000/sem. for EU students
Application fee: 100 EUR
Registration fee: -
  • Description of the program
  • Application procedure
  • Application requirements
  • Examples of subjects during the studies
  • More information

This programme is designed for students who want to deepen their knowledge of business and raise it to a higher level. The MSc programme is based on the BA programme taught in English at the UP. It is possible for ambitious students to enter the programme with different business-related backgrounds provided they are willing to work hard. Innovative teaching and learning methods are used in the training and guest lecturers from Europe or the United States regularly frequent the courses of the Programme. Graduates have the possibility to obtain managerial jobs or continue their studies at the PhD level. The programme operates with a February start.

Program Structure

Business and Management
Academic Level/Type

Step 1: Submit your online application 

Please create your application profile, and choose the desired programme on the online surface and upload all the required documents. 

Step 2: Application fee payment 

After submitting the application, the online application system automatically issues the invoice for the €100 application fee payment. You can pay it directly in the system with your bank card. If you pay via bank transfer, you need to consider that a bank transfer could take up to 10-14 days until it is visible on our bank account. 

Bank account details: 

Name of the bank 

OTP Baranya m. Belfoldiek Devizai 


7621 Pécs, Rákóczi út. 44. 

Account number 


Swift code 


IBAN code 


Name of the receiver 

University of Pécs 

EU VAT Number 

HU 17783941 

Comment field 

Please put here your name and the number of your notification, that you can find in the up-left corner in the format of #XX-00000000 

If you pay with a bank transfer, please e-mail to your proof of payment document to speed up the confirmation process of your payment. 

It is essential to highlight that the application fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application. 

Step 3: Evaluation 

Once the payment has been confirmed, the uploaded materials are evaluated, and the decision is made on whether the applicant is eligible. The document evaluation is based on a point system; please see the details here. You must fulfil all the mentioned criteria to participate in the admission interview. If you do not meet one of the requirements, the application must be rejected; you will receive a "Not qualified" status. The decision shall be without appeal. 

Step 4: Admission interview 

An oral interview (online) is scheduled with eligible applicants and carried out by a committee. The qualified applicant receives a guideline e-mail (on the e-mail address provided during the application process) approximately 5-7 days before the date of the admission interview. Shortly after, the applicant gets the actual MS Teams invitation with the link to join the meeting at the given time (be aware of the timezone differences). 

The interview takes approximately 15 minutes, and the committee will ask you about your background, plans and motivation to choose us. You will need to talk about your previous studies and field of interest. You have to talk about your business idea if any. 

The committee might ask you additional questions; no previously set list exists. 

Step 5: Admission decision 

The admissions committee proposes, but the decision is made by the Head of the Programme within a maximum of two weeks from the date of the interview, taking into account the applicant's score and the capacity of the training programme applied for. The decision shall be without appeal. 

Step 6: Offers 

If you successfully pass the document evaluation and the admission interview and upload all the required documents, you will receive an "Acceptable" offer. 

If you successfully pass the document evaluation and the admission interview but have some missing documents, you will receive a "Conditionally acceptable" offer. In this case, you will be given a certain amount of time to submit the missing documents. After this is done, you will receive the "Acceptable" offer. 

If you cannot pass the admission interview, you will receive a "Failed" status, which means the application is rejected. The decision shall be without appeal. 

Step 7: Tuition fee payment 

If you receive an "Acceptable" offer, you must accept this offer in the online application system. As soon as you have done that, the system issues the invoice for the tuition fee payment. You must pay the full tuition fee; in the first semester, paying in instalments is impossible. If you pay via bank transfer, you need to consider that a bank transfer could take up to 10-14 days until it is visible on our bank account. 

Bank account details: 

Name of the bank 

OTP Baranya m. Belfoldiek Devizai 


7621 Pécs, Rákóczi út. 44. 

Account number 


Swift code 


IBAN code 


Name of the receiver 

University of Pécs 

EU VAT Number 

HU 17783941 

Comment field 

Please put here your name and the number of your notification, that you can find in the up-left corner in the format of #XX-00000000 

If you pay with a bank transfer, please e-mail your proof of payment document to speed up the confirmation process of your payment. 

Step 8: Letter of Admission 

Upon receiving the tuition fee payment, the School's coordinator must issue the Letter of Admission. The scanned version of the letter will be sent to your e-mail. 

Step 9: Arranging visa and arriving in Pécs 

Applying for a visa is entirely your responsibility. As all the immigration-related tasks belong to the National Directorate–General for Aliens Policing, we do not affect the process. 

We suggest you consider that obtaining a visa could take up to 8 weeks. 

It would be best if you arrived in Pécs by the start of the semester (end of August/beginning of September; end of January/beginning of February). Before the official semester starts, you will receive information about the to-dos; please, read it carefully. 


(1) This admission procedure applies to all applicants who do not have Hungarian citizenship or Hungarian dual citizenship, regardless of whether they have applied for a scholarship programme or a private placement at the School. 

(2)  Documents to be submitted with the application are: 

•    a valid passport; 

•    a BA/BSc certificate and a certified translation into English, which entitles the applicant to enter into a master's program in the applicant's home country; 

    an official transcript of the results document and a certified English translation thereof; 

•    a certificate of proficiency in English if no older than two years, and at least a CEFR level B2, obtained at an internationally recognised (accredited) language examination institution. More information about the acceptable certificates here

•    the official medical certificate in English stating that the applicant has received the required vaccines and is free of infectious diseases; 

•    CV, letter of motivation, 

•    other certificates. 


(3) Applications are ranked in a 100-point system according to the following criteria: 

a) Learning outcomes: maximum 50 points 

b) Motivational interview: maximum 50 points 

c) Extra points: maximum 16 points 



Results breakdown 

Max points 

1. Learning outcomes: GPA of the applicant's last two years in the BA/BSc training 

0 points: If the applicant's GPA is below 50% 

20 points: If the applicant's GPA is 50% or above 

35 points: If the applicant's GPA is 70% or above 

50 points: If the applicant's GPA is 85% or above 


3. Motivational interview 

0 points: the applicant cannot communicate with the interviewer, not even the most basic communication acts (greeting, identity issues); 

15 points: the interview is lagging, the applicant only communicates in short answers, mostly answering yes or no to the questions; 

25 points: the applicant is fluent in general topics, his or her professional motivations are not fully elaborated; 

35 points: the applicant is fluent in both general and basic professional topics; 

50 points the applicant has determined professional goals and can express his or her professional motivation. 





Extra points* 

Certified, relevant professional experience 

0 points: the applicant does not have any professional experience; 

5 points: the applicant owns one or more enterprises (or social enterprise) or other relevant business experience 

CEFR level C1 language exam certificate in the instruction language 

0 points: the applicant has only a level B2 language exam certificate in the instruction language; 

5 points: the applicant has an internationally recognized CEFR level C1 language exam certificate obtained no earlier than 2 years in the instruction language 


0 points: the applicant either did not take part in voluntary activities or submitted a certificate for a period of fewer than 3 months; 

3 points: Applicant has been volunteering for at least 3 months at charity or NGO, and this is certified by the organization. 

Applicants with fewer opportunities 

0 points: the applicant does not have any disability, or it cannot be creditably certified 

3 points: the applicant has creditably certified his/her disability by attaching the official documents 



* Applicants will be awarded a maximum of 16 extra points in total, according to the criteria listed, but the total number of admission points, including the extra points, must not exceed 100. 


(4) Minimum eligibility criteria for admissions   

a) obtains more than zero points for each of the three main criteria [(3) a), b)] and 

b) the total score, of at least 50, without extra points. 

1st semester
Advanced Accounting
Global Marketing
2nd semester
International Finance
Strategic HRM
Service Marketing
3rd semester
Research Methods
Small Business Management
4th semester
Strategic Management
Change Management
Service Specialization
Finance Specialization

For more information, please contact: 

Ms. Mária LAJOS
International Coordinator
Phone: +36 72 501 599 /23160
English website of the Faculty