Souliya Thidphaxay

"The University of Pécs was the first place where I was able to express myself as I am. Throughout my studies, I am not only learning about society but also about myself. As a result, knowing who I am, allows myself to assist others in the best way possible."

Form of finance

Study Program
Social Work BA
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Period of Study

  • Introduction
  • Carrer Opportunities
  • Recommendations for future students

Hello, first let me introduce myself. My name is Thidphaxay SOULIYA. I am a second-year international student from Laos and currently I am studying Social Work. I choose University of Pécs and my study program because I want to make any possible life-change during my studying towards myself. Throughout my first year I make a lot of changes for myself and the main reason is choosing to study here. 

Career opportunities

-    Social Worker
-    Policy maker
-    Government officer
-    Non-government officer
-    Social assistant

Recommendations for future students

If you would like to pursue your future degree in anywhere in Europe or Hungary, I wish you were considering the university of Pécs to be one of your dream university because it can provide you with vivid life-experience along with quality education and it will prepare you all to be ready for the contemporary society.