Yuan Juxiang is honorary doctor of the University of Pécs since 8 September 2017.
Yuan Juxiang, PhD. Professor and President of North China University of Science and Technology. He is also Chairman of Coal System Society, China Preventive Medical Association;Chairman of occupational epidemiology group, China Occupational Health and Medicine Society; Vice Chairman of Hebei Provincial Epidemiology and Health Statistics Association; Committee member of China Preventive Medical Association and China Occupational Health and Medicine Society, and China Preventive Medical Association; Editor in Chief of the Journal of Clinical Medicine of China.
Professor Yuan has published 95 papers and compiled 19 monographs. He has obtained 15 Science and Technology Progress Awards.
He is in charge of 25 scientific research projects. His research area includes pneumoconiosis epidemiology such as risk factors, epidemic character and preventive strategies, methods and pathogenesis; expound epidemic characteristics of pneumoconiosis and relationship of pneumoconiosis and geological condition; development of occupational tumor genesis and epidemiology; relationship of Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer in coal miners and research on tuberculosis of pneumoconiosis.
Date of inauguration: 2017. szeptember 8.