Prof. Serafino Gladiali is honorary doctor of the University of Pécs since 9 November 2016.
A short part of the Inauguration Speech of Prof. Serafino Gladiali:
Magnificent Rector, Academic Authorities, Ladies and Gentlemen,
first let me thank the University of Pécs for delivering me this “Honoris Causa Doctorate’. I feel extremely honoured in receiving this award that comes to me as one of the most significant achievements of my research activity.
At the same time this celebration looks to me the best way to illustrate the long standing joint collaboration in the field of catalysis between the Universities of Pecs and Sassari. This collaboration, originally established over twenty years ago when Prof. Kollár was still working at the University of Veszprém, moved jointly with him when he took up the chair of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Pécs in 1997.
In the course of the years the joint projects arising from this collaboration allowed a number of young coworkers to move to Sassari from Pécs and vice-versa for research stages that have contributed to improve their scientific expertise and have positively impacted on their doctoral and post-doctoral record.
Thanks to various funds we had the possibility of several visits. The scientific collaboration still exists and active with one of my former colleagues. I look back with much pleasure to the scientific discussions I had with the colleagues at the University. For this reason, I appreciate very much the opportunity given by this ceremony that brings me once more to Pecs to renovate the good feelings of some time ago.
Finally, let me add one personal notation. Today in the audience there is a large delegation of my family including my wife, my children and some grandchildren. I guess that you may agree with me that it is a very rare case in the life to have children/grandchildren attending the graduation ceremony of their father/grandfather. I am the lucky man that has the possibility to enjoy this “back to the future” experience. This makes me extremely proud and happy. I like to thank you again for your decision to handing over me this award today.