Predrag Sikirić is honorary doctor of the University of Pécs since 16 November 2017.
Department of Pharmacology, Medical University of Zagreb, Croatia
Predrag Sikiric MD,PhD is professor at the Department of Pharmacology, Medical University of Zagreb, Croatia.
He and his team discovered an peptide in the human gastric juce, which prevents the development of gastric mucosal damage (without any inhibitory effect on gastric acid secretion). This molecule was isolated and the sequence of amino acids was identifield. This molecule acts in very small doses, and it has no toxic behaviour. Later, he and his coworkers proved the mucosal protecting effects on the other parts of gastrointestinal tract in animal experiments and human studies. Now this molecule exists in different human clinical pharmacological phase examinations in patients with ulcerative colitis and sclerosis multiplex. This active peptide compound was named as “Body Protection Compound, BPC”.
Our scientific collaboration started from 1989, and it’s existing up to now. We together organized international symposia of International Conferences on Ulcer Researh and of International Union of Pharmacology, Gastrointestinal Section (IUPHAR GI SECTION) in Hungary (Budapest, Pécs) and Croatia (Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split). We together established the international journal (Pergamon Press Publishers) “Experimental and Clinical Gastroenteroloy” (1990).
We have principle roles in the establishing of possibilities for Hungary and Croatia to participate in the World scientific collaboration in our fields , namely ulcer research.
Professor Sikiric and his studies internationally well know and accepted.