Mohammad Jaradat

Prof. Mohammad Jaradat Pierre Vasarely honorary doctor of the University of Pécs since 7 November 2013.

Mohammad Jaradat

Abstract of his inaugural address:

A particularly important role in achieving success in life is played by the education. By education as a social phenomenon we understand the transmission of life experience from one generation to another, knowing good manners and behavior in society according to these skills. Education refers to both the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and a certain socially acceptable ethical behavior. In the first instance we are talking about a person who has a good education, has an important set of theoretical concepts, is trained by professionals and has an impressive general culture.

Education does not only deal with the teaching of theoretical information, with abstractions, but above all, it aims at shaping character. The importance of education can be seen by the fact that any government in any country as poor as it is, has a ministry or department of education which is allocated a percentage of the budget.

In this reason, Aristotle said: "Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well."Education of children and youth is a delicate mission that both school and family must attend inspite of all efforts; in other words, education is formed in a less formal environment such as the family, and then it continues in the institutionalized environment: the school.

Date of inauguration: 07.11.2013

Faculty of Law
Date of the ceremony