Prof. dr. Antonino Germano Doctor et Professor Honoris Causa of Medical School since 7 November 2019.
Professor Dr. Antonino Germano, professor and chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Messina had a research fellowship under the supervision of Dr. John Povlishock PhD, the Director of Neurosurgery Research Institute and Academy of Neuroanatomy and Neurobiology in Richmond, Virginia, where he sudied the pathobiology of traumatic brain injury. Professor Germano has a pioneer role in research and clinical application of high precision transcortical magnetic stimulation (Nexstim). Our professional interest joined again about four years ago, when we aimed to set up a high-precision transcortical magnetic stimulation system for the Department of Neurosurgery.
Due to his invaluable contribution and support we have established a very close collaboration with the University of Messina. Under this collaboration we established the transcortical magnetic stimulation measurements at the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pecs, both for research and clinical/diagnostic use.
This project also has been materialized in a H2020 grant under revision as well as a joint research program on transcortical neurostimulation.
In the framework of our collaboration a total of six colleagues from the Department of Neurosurgery have attended four-week courses in Messina on functional MRI, neuropsychology. We have submitted two scientific abstracts in cooperation with Department of Neurosurgery in Messina for the annual Conference of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies based on the results of our joint research project regarding the functional plasticity to expand the clinical use of Nexstim. After four years of cooperation with Professor Germano in organizing the The International Pannonian Symposium, one of the world’s most renowned conference on neurotrauma, this year he host the conference in Sicily. Due to our joint efforts with Professor Germano, the Neurotrauma and Critical Care Committee of the Association of European Neurosurgical Societies recognizes this event as the official forum and event of the EANS Neurotrauma and Critical Care Symposium.
Professor Germano has been to Hungary on numerous occasions and has given a number of lectures in Pécs. The award of the Honoris Causa Professorship will further guarantee that the joint efforts and the established scientific cooperation will results in shared international PhD and residency programs with the University of Messina.