Michael Kilchling

Seven internationally renowned honorary doctors of the University of Pécs have been inaugurated at the Ceremonial Senate Meeting on 4 November at the dr. Halasy-Nagy Lecture Hall. They are prominent, respected professors, who have been actively working in close cooperation with the University of Pécs. Through their professional achievements on their respective fields as well as in the joint research projects with the faculties of the University they have greatly benefited the University of Pécs as well as Hungarian science. They all have given their inaugural adresses at the repective promoting faculties, which they have summarized at the Ceremonial Senate Meeting.  

Dr. Michael Kilchling

The name of Dr. Michael Kilchling, the senior researcher of the Max-Planck-Institut seated in Freiburg “agglutinated” with the scientific co-operations that have been in existence between the Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs and the Institution since the beginning of the 2000s. Michael Kilchling has regularly given lectures for 14 years at the international scientific symposiums named “Kriminologischer Sommerkurs” started at the initiation of László Korinek academician and organized at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs with criminological and criminal law topics and he rendered serious professional assistance for the strengthening of the international scientific reputation of the criminalists teaching at the Faculty of Law. He supported the research of several professors of the Faculty of Law in the biggest criminal research workshop in the world, at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht and the winning of the Max-Planck-Stipendium. His research area covers almost every issue of criminology and criminal law, considered relevant and current by the international scientific community, such as fighting against money laundering and terrorism, typology of organized crime, handling the especially dangerous criminals etc. He is one of the most well-known international authorities of the science of criminology and victimology.

Faculty of Law
Date of the ceremony