József Finta

Honorary doctor of Polláck Mihály Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pécs since 15 October 2009.

József Finta

József Finta was born in 1935 in Kolozsvár. He earned his degree in 1958 at the Faculty of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology. He began his career as an architect right after graduation at the LAKÓTERV Architectural Studio, working first as a designer, then as head of the Studio, and finally as chief architect and deputy director. His first success was the Garzon House in Dunaújváros, designed in 1961. He received the Ybl prize in 1965. He became a widely known architect in the country when he designed the Duna Intercontinental Hotel (1966-1969). 

In 1994 he established the Finta and Co. Architectural Studio with all of his colleagues at the LAKÓTERV Studio, which has by now grown into an large office with forty employees. The most important works of the Studio are: Police Palace, Westend City Center, Information Technology Building of Budapest University of Technology-Eötvös Loránd University. 

The various departments that teach architectural subjects at the Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pécs have maintained academic and professional relations with the Finta and Co. Architectural Studio for several decades, and the company took a leading role in the establishment of a university level training programme of architects in Pécs. 

Dr. Finta personally took part in the development of the training programme, and also gave a chance to many students of architecture and graduated architects to pursue their professional career at his Studio and participate in projects of an international standard. He has accomplished outstanding work in the organization of the DLA Master's Scool and worked as a professor and member in the Board of Masters. Since 2004 he has helped the work of the Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering as a member of the Doctoral Defence Committee. 

Dr. József Finta is the most distinguished architect in Hungary, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Kossuth and Ybl prize winning architect and member of the management of several professional organizations. He is the designer of Hungary's biggest and most prestigious architectural projects and an internationally renowned expert.

Faculty: Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Date of inauguration: 14.10.2009

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Date of the ceremony