Professor Herbert Küpper is the Head of Institut für Ostrecht in Regensburg, Germany. Dr. Küpper is a guest researcher at the HAS Centre for Social Sciences, Isntitute for Legal Studies.
Research areas:
- Hungarian law ans legal system
- comparative public law
- legal systems of the former socialist countries
Selected Publications:
- „Ungarns neues BGB" [Hungary's new Civil Code], series of nine articles, will be published in subsequent numbers of Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa, from 2014, no. 7, to 2015, no. 3
- „Az alkotmánymódosítás és az alkotmánybírósági kontroll - megoldás az ‚örökkévalósági klauzula'?" [Constitutional Amendment and Constitutional Judicial Control - is the „Eternity Clause" a Solution?], Közjogi Szemle 2013, no. 4, pp. 1-17
- „Hol vagyok én a szövegben?" [Where am I in the text?], in: Molnár Benedek / Németh Márton / Tóth Péter (eds.): Mérlegen az Alaptörvény. Interjúkötet hazánk új alkotmányáról [Evaluating the New Basic Law. Interviews on our Country's New Constitution], Budapest 2013, pp. 89-107
- „Ungarns Verfassung vom 25. April 2011. Einführung - Übersetzung - Materialien" [Hungary's Basic Law of 25th April 2011. Introduction - Translation - Materials], Studien des Instituts für Ostrecht München vol. 70, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main 2012
- „Einführung in das ungarische Recht" [Introduction to Hungarian Law], JuS Schriftenreihe vol. 186, C.H. Beck, Manz'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Munich, Vienna 2011
- „Die rechtliche Aufarbeitung der kommunistischen Vergangenheit in Osteuropa" [Legal Measures to Deal With the Communist Past in Eastern Europe], Studien des Instituts für Ostrecht München vol. 63, eds.: Küpper Herbert / Schroeder, Friedrich-Christian, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main 2009
- Chapters V., VII. (with Vilmos Térey), IX. an X., in: Jakab, András (ed.): A Magyar Alkotmány kommentárja [Commentary of the Hungarian Constitution], Budapest 2009
- „Korruptionsbekämpfung in Osteuropa" [The Fight Against Corruption in Eastern Europe], forost working paper no 46, eds.: Küpper Herbert / Schroeder, Friedrich-Christian, edition of forost Research Association, München 2008
- „A magyar közigazgatási jog 1985-2005: A közigazgatás szervezete" [Hungarian Administrative Law 1985-2005: The Organization of the Administration], in: Jakab András / Takács Péter (eds.): A magyar jogrendszer átalakulása 1985-2005 [The Transformation of the Hungarian Legal System 1985-2005], 2 vols., Budapest 2007, 1. vol, pp. 296-311
Faculty of Law
Date of inauguration: 15.03.2014