MA in Interior and Spatial design

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

The aim of the program is the training of interior design artists who, in liaison with architects and other design professionals, are capable of solving issues regarding aesthetic, functional, and psychological aspects of a given space or spaces.

Head of program: Donát Rétfalvi Dr.associate professor

Architect (MA)
Duration of Training
2 years (4 semesters)

Fall, Spring

Deadline of Application

Next Starting Date
Tuition fee: USD 4,000/sem.
Application fee: USD 150
  • Description of the program
  • Application procedure
  • Application requirements
  • Examples of subjects during the studies
  • More information

The program trains interior design artists how to implement aesthetic, functional, and psychological aspects of a given space or spaces. Graduates will possess essential technical knowledge, artistic skills, have an understanding and thorough knowledge about the design thought-process and their importance during the planning procedure. They also acquire primary manufacturing-, production processes and their conditions. Students gain both practical and professional experiences throughout the course of their studies and are prepared to pursue their education in the doctoral programme if they wish. Qualified interior design artists are expected to perceive complex professional issues, develop an individual design and creative programme, conduct their autonomous work accordingly, as well as to employ the correct tools, methods, procedures and technologies proficiently in the creation of their own concepts and designs.

Academic Level/Type

The applicant has to submit the following documents by uploading them to the online application portal of the University of Pécs:

  • Copy of the photo-page(s) of your passport
  • Diploma: It states that you have finished your High School/Bachelor/Master studies and it has been certified by the issuing institution.  If your documents are in any other language, you also need to submit an authorized English translation of the documents.

Application for Bachelor program: High School Diploma 

Application for Master program: Bachelor Diploma

Application for Doctoral program: Master Diploma

  • Transcript of Records: an official document of High School/Bachelor/Master studies which shows your completed courses and grades for each semester included in your degree. If your documents are in any other language, you also need to submit an authorized English translation of the documents.

Application for BSc degree: during the application process, the average of the last two years of your high school studies will be assessed. 

Application for MSc degree: during the application process, the average of the last two years of your Bachelor studies will be assessed. During the online interview, the Admission Committee will inquire about your diploma degree and your fulfilled courses with their grades. 

Application for Ph.D./DLA degree: during the application process your prevoius university studies will be assessed.

  • Motivation letter
  • CV in English
  • Medical Certificate: an official certificate issued by a GP which states that you are not suffering from infectious diseases, you are in good physical and mental condition. The form of the certificate is not specified but has to be signed and sealed by the GP.  See example!
  • Recommendations, C1 English Language Certificate, publications etc – optional
  • Portfolio* (applicable to Architecture programs and the Interior and Spatial Design program)
  • Research plan** (applicable for PhD/DLA applicants)


The Application Process

1. Register on the online application site  of the University of Pécs
2. Submit your supporting documents
3. Pay 
the application fee 
5. Online interview
6. Notification about the interview result
7. Pay the
tuition fee 
8. Letter of Admission (An official letter in which the Faculty offers you a place in the selected program)
9. Visa Process

*Portfolio Requirements: Applicants need to present evidence of creative ability and commitment to the field of architecture in addition to having strong academic credentials. The interview and portfolio requirements help the faculty assess strengths in these more subjective areas. Both the interview and portfolio requirements must be met for the application to be considered.
Portfolio requirements

** Research plan: Thesis topics currently announced (on the website of the Hungarian Doctoral Council)



Students must successfully complete their secondary school/Bachelor program before enrollment at UP FEIT.

Admission criteria:

The following criteria are considered during the admission procedure: 


Results breakdown

Max points



Bachelor programs: GPA of the applicant’s last two high school years or result of preparatory courses of the University of Pécs.

Master programs: GPA of the applicant’s last two years in the BA/BSc training

0 point: If applicant’s GPA is below 50 %

10 points: If applicant’s GPA is 50 % or above

20 points: If applicant’s GPA is 70 % or above

30 points: If applicant’s GPA is 85 % or above

Quality and content of the Motivational letter  

0 point: a The motivational letter contains nothing specific, no professional goals are set;

3 points: The motivational letter is too general, remarkably few specifics and professional goals;

6 points: General professional and personal motivation, the goals are also mostly general but it contains at least some specifics (e.g. refers to activities and work tasks to accomplish);

9 points: Definite professional and personal motivation but still general goals;

12 points: Well-thought-out, substantive motivation, quality writing, and professional goals; specific, promising application

15 points: Thoroughly well-thought-out, conclusive motivation and adequately specific professional goals.


Quality and content of the Portfolio

0 point: Unsatisfactory. The portfolio exhibits several major and minor problems with basic visual premise;


3 points: Less than satisfactory. Both the quality and contain is substandard, incomplete in significant ways;


6 points: Satisfactory. The portfolio is complete and satisfactory, exhibiting minor problems in quality craft and detail.


9 points: Good quality. The portfolio demonstrates a level of thoughtfulness in addressing visual skills and creativity, with some minor scale problems.


12 points: High quality. The portfolio demonstrates a level of thoughtfulness in addressing visual skills and creativity.


15 points: Outstanding. Execution of work is thoroughly complete and demonstrates a superior level of ability and skills.


Skype interview

0 point: the applicant cannot communicate with the interviewer, not even the most basic communication acts (greeting, identity issues);

10 points: the interview is lagging, the applicant only communicates in short answers, mostly answers yes or no questions,

25 points: the applicant is fluent in general topics, his or her professional motivations are not fully understood,

40 points: the applicant is fluent in both general and basic professional topics and can express his or her professional motivation.

Total 100

Additional points

CEFR level C1 language exam certificate

0 point: the applicant has only a level B2 language exam certificate in the instruction language;

5 points: the applicant has an internationally recognized CEFR level C1 language exam certificate obtained no earlier than 2 years in the instruction language


0 point: the applicant can not provide reference letters from previous teachers, mentors or project leaders;

5 points: the applicant can provide reference letters from previous teachers, mentors or project leaders;


Total 10

The admission decision

The minimum requirement for admission is that the candidate

a) obtains more than zero points for each of the four main criteria, and

b) the total score, of at least 60, without extra points.


Tha maximum points the Applicant can obtain can not be more than 100 points.


1st semester
Lectures on Theory of Architectural Design 1.
Lectures on Ergonomics
Design 1
2nd semester
Social Issues of Design and Art
Urban Planning
Experimental Design Studio
3rd semester
Lectures on Environmental Psychology
Research in Interior Design
Digital Presentation
4th semester
Lectures on Research on Methods
Economic and Legal Knowledge
Complex Interior Design

For more information, please contact:

Centre for International Programmes and Relations