UP Story - 650 years

The history of higher education in Pécs dates back to 1367, when Louis the Great initiated the establishment of a university in the episcopal city of Pécs. As a result of an integration process of several stages, the University of Pécs was founded, which has become one of the most famous, prestigious institutions having a leading role in regional education. It has ten faculties which cover the full spectrum of high-quality higher education.

  • 1367

    The first university in Hungary is founded by King Louis the Great

    The first university in Hungary is founded by King Louis the Great

  • 1476

    Pozsony (1778)

    A college of theology is founded by Bishop Count Zsigmond Berényi

  • 1785


    Emperor Joseph II orders the transfer of the Royal Academy from Győr to Pécs

  • 1835

    Klimo Library

    Episcopate Lyceum Quinque–Eclessiae is established by Bishop Ignác Szepessy

  • 1921

    The Hungarian Royal Erzsébet University is relocated from Pozsony (Bratislava) to Pécs

  • 1940


    The Faculty of Humanities is moved both to Szeged and partially to Kolozsvár (Cluj)

  • 1951

    Faculty of Law

    Considering the medical school becoming independent (Medical University of Pécs), the University of Pécs is left with only one faculty, the Faculty of Law

  • 1975

    Faculty of Business and Economics

    The Faculty of Business and Economics is established, which so far, operated as an affiliated section of the Karl Marx University of Economics in Budapest

  • 1982

    The Teacher Training College is merged with the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Business and Economics. The new institution assumes the name of Janus Pannonius

  • 1990

    Medical University

    The Faculty of Health Sciences is established at the Medical University of Pécs

  • 1992

    Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Sciences

    The Teacher Training College is replaced by the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Sciences

  • 1995

    Pollack Mihály Technical College

    Pollack Mihály Technical College is merged with Janus Pannonius University

  • 1996

    Faculty of Visual Arts and Music

    The Faculty of Visual Arts and Music is established

  • 2000

    University of Pécs

    In considering the merger of Janus Pannonus University, the Medical University of Pécs and the Illyés Gyula Teacher Training College of Szekszárd, a unified University is founded under the name of the University of Pécs

  • 2004

    Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering

    The Pollack Mihály Technical College is transformed into a full-fledged university faculty under the name of Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering

  • 2005

    Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development

    The Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development is established as the tenth faculty of the University

  • 2006

    Faculty of Health Sciences

    The College of Health Sciences becomes a full-fledged university faculty under the name of Faculty of Health Sciences

  • 2015

    Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development

    The name of the Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering becomes Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

    In considering the merger of the Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development and the Illyés Gyula Teacher Training College of Szekszárd the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development is formed. The university now has nine faculties.

  • 2016

    Faculty of Pharmacy

    The Faculty of Pharmacy will soon be established, and as a result, the University of Pécs will once again, feature ten faculties

  • 2017

    Jubilee 650 The University of Pécs celebrated the 650th jubilee of the foundation of the first university in Hungary in 2017

    Jubilee 650 The University of Pécs celebrated the 650th jubilee of the foundation of the first university in Hungary in 2017

  • 2020

    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

    The name of the Faculty of Humanities becomes Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences